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전체뉴스 11-20 / 31,414건

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    Kim Soo-hyun ♥ Kim Ji-won, it was fate from the beginning

    ... each other. After the first meeting that remained as a fleeting memory, the second meeting took place in high school. On the first day of transferring to the school, Baek Hyeon-woo, who bumped into Hong Hae-in in the school playground, wandered around looking for ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.19 11:07 | seah

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    [공식] '홍석천의 보석' 정건주, 엄정화→이하늬와 한솥밥 먹는다…사람엔터 전속 계약 체결

    ... 지원하겠다. 앞으로도 활발한 활동을 펼칠 정건주에게 많은 응원 부탁한다"고 전했다. 사람엔터에는 공명, 박규영, 엄정화, 이연희, 이하늬, 정호연, 수영, 한예리 등 인기 연예인들이 다수 소속됐다. 2017년 데이식스(DAY6) 뮤직비디오 '좋아합니다'로 데뷔한 정건주. 그는 웹드라마 '이런 꽃 같은 엔딩'으로 대중에게 얼굴을 알렸다. 이어 드라마 '어쩌다 발견한 하루', '오 마이 베이비', '꽃선비 ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.19 10:50 | 이소정

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    Red Velvet's Wendy, the number one female singer you want to walk around the library with on a spring day... LE SSERAFIM Kazuha 2nd place

    Group Red Velvet's Wendy took first place in 'Female singer you want to walk around the library with on a spring day'. Ten Asia conducted a vote from the 11th to the 17th under the topic, 'Which female singer would you like to walk around ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.19 10:07 | leesojung

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    스트레이 키즈, 새 디싱 'Lose My Breath (Feat. Charlie Puth)' 각종 콘텐츠 예고

    ... 어워즈 '올해의 K팝 앨범' 등 각종 해외 음악 시상식에서 수상 트로피를 들어올리고 'K팝 대세' 입지를 공고히 했다. 기세를 몰아 오는 7월 12일(이하 각 현지시간) 이탈리아 밀라노 'I-Days'(아이 데이즈), 14일 영국 런던 'BST Hyde Park'(브리티시 서머 타임 하이드 파크), 8월 2일 미국 시카고 '롤라팔루자 시카고'의 헤드라이닝 무대를 장식하고 폭발적 존재감을 빛낸다. ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.19 10:06 | 윤준호

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    ストレイキッズ、新しいディッシング「Lose My Breath(Feat. Charlie Puth)」コンテンツ予告

    ...プルズチョイスアワード「今年のグループ」、2024アイハートラディオミュージックアワード「今年のKポップアルバム」など各種海外音楽授賞式で受賞Kポップ大勢'立地を強固にした。勢いを追求する7月12日(以下、各現地時間)イタリア・ミラノ「I-Days」(アイデイズ)、14日、イギリス・ロンドン「BST Hyde Park」(ブリティッシュ・サマータイム・ハイドパーク)、8月2日米国シカゴ「ローラパルージャシカゴのヘッドライニングステージを飾り、爆発的な存在感を輝かせる。 一方、ストレイキッズ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.19 10:04 | juno

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    Kim Jae-joong counterattacks Han Hyo-joo's fastball… “TVXQ is a shell… I'm always like an old man.”

    ... video titled “Woohamug uhmg studio” was released on the YouTube channel ‘Woohamug uhmg studio’. On this day, actress Han Hyo-joo visited ‘Refriend’ as the 36th guest. The two expressed their happiness that it had been 16 years ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.19 09:15 | leesojung

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    グループDAY6(デイシックス)が代表曲逆走行逆走行で音源チャート上位圏を占めて音源強者であることを立証した。 18日、音源ストリーミングサイトメロン日刊チャートでデイシックスの「きれいな」と「1ページになることができる」というそれぞれ8位と11位を記録した。逆走風に乗って収めた成果だ。 最近デイシックスが過去に発売した曲が再照明を受けている。 2017年に発売した「きれいな」は14日、国内音源サイトメロン「トップ100」チャート10位圏内に入った。続いて17日午前8時基準7位に上がり、チャ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.18 22:11 | 김지원

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    BOYNEXTDOOR presented a high-quality live performance

    ... the YouTube channel 'GOGOSING'. Store Link Live is live content that takes place in an artist-customized store. On this day, BOYNEXTDOOR appeared with casual styling that stood out for each person's individuality. The background of a refreshing mood ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.18 20:49 | Bella

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    Saya was disappointed that Shim Hyung-tak did not wear a wedding ring.

    ... Saya made a mobile for their nephew on his 100th birthday. In the 110th episode of Channel A's 'Man's Life These Days - Groom's Class (hereinafter referred to as 'Groom's Class')', which aired on the 17th, the couple Shim Hyung-tak ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.18 18:18 | Bella

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    Ra Seon-wook, who lost 13 kg, sparked controversy

    ... 'Physical VS Big Physical' showdown continues with guests Kim Dong-hyun and Hong Yun-hwa, continuing from last week. On this day's 'Mukchippa', chicken is delivered to the big guys who are taking a break during break, raising curiosity. With the ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.18 17:26 | Yuna