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    전체뉴스 11-20 / 11,508건

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      Yoo Hyeon-cheol and Kim Seul-gi, who had been rumored to have broken off their engagement, have reported their marriage.

      ... and 'Then should we live with a dog?'" Jinjin also expressed his admiration, saying, “Hyung, you were really cool.” Kim Ji-min, the representative of the 'K-Confucian Girl', was shocked by the sweet atmosphere of Jeon Jin and Ryu ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.04.23 15:02 | Bella

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      Zico and Jennie, the world's hippest vibes

      ... look with a sporty top and miniskirt. In addition, they showed off their swag in a room full of posters on the walls, and exuded cool energy by posing while riding or leaning on a car. Looking at Zico and Jennie in the photo reminds me of the most enjoyable time spent ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.04.22 16:35 | olivia

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      "BTS보다 3년 앞섰다"…하이브가 낳은 '괴물급' 효녀 [김소연의 엔터비즈]

      ...9;, 'OMG', '슈퍼 샤이'(Super Shy)까지 순위가 꾸준히 상승해 최대 48위를 기록했다. 동시에 'ETA', '슈퍼 샤이', '쿨 위드 유'(Cool with You) 등 3곡을 빌보드 핫 100에 올렸다. 이는 한국 그룹 중 방탄소년단 이후 2번째 기록이다. 음반 판매량으로 집계되는 빌보드의 또 다른 메인차트인 '빌보드200'에서 미니앨범 '겟 업'이 ...

      한국경제 | 2024.04.21 07:00 | 김소연

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      Kim Hwan-hee “I went to Hanyang University with a full scholarship”

      ... talents. First, Kim Hwan-hee transforms into a sound director for a student musical at the university he is attending and reveals a 'cool' moment, attracting attention. Kim Hwan-hee's skill in controlling the console while focusing on the actors' voices ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.04.19 15:48 | Yuna

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      Jo Jung-seok's comedy film 'Pilot' is released.

      ... way. In addition to Jo Jung-seok, who showed outstanding character digestion, Lee Joo-myeong, who is making her screen debut as the cool and confident pilot Yoon Seul-gi, Han Seon-hwa, who plays the younger brother Han Jeong-mi, who will show off the tiki-taka synergy with ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.04.18 20:50 | Bella

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      Saya was disappointed that Shim Hyung-tak did not wear a wedding ring.

      ... by saying, "I felt at ease because I couldn't contact them often when I went to the jungle." He then showed his cool side by saying, "I had to send messages back and forth when the Wi-Fi connection continued, but when I received a photo, I thought ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.04.18 18:18 | Bella

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      유브이 쇼, 2차 라인업 공개…다듀·김필·KCM 등 화려

      ... 최근 콘서트 ‘2024 유브이 쇼 with 유브이 방’ 개최 확정 소식을 전한 유브이에게 많은 관심이 쏟아진다. 유세윤과 뮤지로 구성된 유브이는 2010년 디지털 싱글 ‘Do You Wanna be Cool’로 데뷔, 다채로운 콘셉트와 음악적 시도를 펼치며 음악계에 신선한 돌풍을 불러일으켰다. 이후 유브이는 ‘집행유애’, ‘이태원 프리덤’, ‘조한이 형’, ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.04.17 12:40 | 류예지

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      ...ンドの「Upside Down」が響き、オープンと歓呼が絶頂に打たれた。 このように初の海外公演から内空を見せた9001はJTBC「スーパーバンド」を通じて名前を知らせた実力派バンドだ。前作「ペク・イルホン」でSpotify(スポーティファイ)「Cool K'IDs Rock」とTIDAL(タイダル)「K-pop」ロックプレイリストカバーを飾るなど国内外の立地を広げている。 日本公演を終えた9001は5月12日オリンピック公園ハンドボール競技場で開催される「ビューティフルミントライフ2024」を...

      텐아시아 | 2024.04.16 22:52 | Bella

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      Kai becomes the first Korean musical actor to hold a world tour.

      ... musical that was first performed in Korea, it also contains the purpose of showing that Korean musicals are developing and are cool.” We have prepared something special not only for overseas performances but also for Korean performances. Kai predicted, ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.04.16 22:04 | Bella

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      '슈퍼밴드 출신' 9001, 첫 日 공연서 보여준 K-밴드 저력

      ... 절정에 치달았다. 이처럼 첫 해외공연부터 내공을 보여준 9001은 JTBC ‘슈퍼밴드’를 통해 이름을 알린 실력파 밴드다. 전작 ‘백일홍’으로 Spotify(스포티파이) ‘Cool K’IDs Rock’과 TIDAL(타이달) ‘K-pop’ Rock 플레이리스트 커버를 장식하는 등 국내외 입지를 넓히고 있다. 일본 공연을 마친 9001은 5월 12일 올림픽공원 핸드볼경기장에서 ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.04.16 10:50 | 김지원