전체뉴스 211-220 / 1,914건
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MLB 뉴욕 메츠, 1천313억원 부유세 폭탄…역대 최고액
"2015년 다저스의 두배 넘는 금액" 울상 짓는 메츠, PS 진출 실패하고 천문학적 세금까지 미국프로야구 메이저리그(MLB) 뉴욕 메츠가 역대 최고 수준의 부유세(luxury tax·균등경쟁세)를 내게 됐다고 AP통신, 로이터가 24일(한국시간) 보도했다. AP는 "메츠는 총 1억78만1천932달러(약 1천313억원)를 내야 한다"라며 "이는 2015년 로스앤젤레스 다저스가 기록한 종전 최고치, 4천360만달러의 두배가 넘는 금액"이라고 전했다. ...
한국경제 | 2023.12.24 09:37 | YONHAP
Song Joong-ki and Katy couple reveal Hawaii condo for sale worth KRW 2.8 billion
... was introduced that is cheaper than Jeju Island, where you can live for about 1 million won per month. You could also rent a luxury resort-like home with three bedrooms, three bathrooms, and a communal swimming pool for about 1.1 million won per month. In addition, ...
텐아시아 | 2023.12.23 10:33 | Yuna
오타니+야마모토에 1조 3천억원…이젠 다저스가 '악의 제국'
... 10억 달러를 돌파했다는 점은 상징적이다. 다저스를 응원하는 팬에게는 야마모토의 영입이 희소식이지만, 나머지 MLB 팬에게는 달갑지 않은 소식이다. MLB에는 일부 구단이 자본을 앞세워 선수를 독점하는 걸 방지하기 위한 사치세(Luxury tax)가 있다. 2024년 MLB 사치세 기준 팀 전체 연봉은 2억3천700만달러(3천89억원)로 이를 초과하면 액수에 따라 벌금과 드래프트 순위 하향 등 제재가 뒤따른다. 2021년부터 올해까지 3년 연속 사치세 기준 연봉을 ...
한국경제 | 2023.12.22 16:00 | YONHAP
Kian 84 said he was looking for his original intention and said, “I can't sell a 6 billion won building.”
... eat takoyaki and drink beer outdoors. Lee Si-eon left a review of the trip, saying, "Today's trip with Kian is actually a luxury trip for us. It's hard to get used to coming to Japan after traveling to countries that are a bit difficult." Kian84 said, ...
텐아시아 | 2023.12.22 13:50 | Yuna
'Hong Kim Dong-jeon' confirmed to be abolished, pressured greatly on viewership ratings
... camping site for the first time in a year. Kim Sook said, “We prepared a bedroom,” and the living room was also larger. Luxury camping is not something everyone can enjoy. The member whose coin came up on heads had to enjoy 'Kim Sook Camping', and the ...
텐아시아 | 2023.12.22 10:32 | Yuna
Movie 'The Peasants', passionate desire and inevitable fate
The movie 'The Peasants' (directed by DK Welchman and Hugh Welchman) released its main poster and trailer. 'The Peasants' is an oil painting animation that depicts the passionate desires and inevitable fate of the yagna and villagers...
텐아시아 | 2023.12.20 12:55 | ha neul Lee
Lee Jun-ho, tremendous ticket power
... development, ranked first in the TV (non-English) category on Netflix's global top 10 website three times, and became a trusted luxury actor with two consecutive box office hits. boasted of its status. In addition, including Japan's exclusive arena tour 'LEE ...
텐아시아 | 2023.12.20 10:20 | MinKyung
Lee Jun-ho, Actor of the Year for 2 consecutive years
... loved all over the world, taking first place every year, and was a successive box office hit, expanding his influence as a trustworthy luxury actor. A year ago, Lee Jun-ho, who was crowned the best actor of the year at '2022 AAA', reflected on his original intention ...
텐아시아 | 2023.12.18 09:28 | MinKyung
A variable has arisen in Ji Chang-wook♥Shin Hye-sun's romance.
Ji Chang-wook, Shin Hye-sun, Lee Jae-won, Bae Myung-jin and Kang Young-seok, the 'Five Eagle Brothers' of JTBC's 'Welcome to Samdali', joined forces to kick out 'evil reporter' Kim Dae-gon and burst into laughter in the ho...
텐아시아 | 2023.12.17 08:37 | Bella
Jeon Qingjo's parents were also part of the same group.
... with assets worth tens of billions of won. He won the favor of the victim with a barrage of gifts that showed off his wealth, from luxury watches worth tens of millions of won to dermatological procedures and high-end foreign cars. He won the hearts of the victim and his ...
텐아시아 | 2023.12.16 15:46 | Yuna