[한국경제] 뉴스 1381-1390 / 1,393건
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泰 경제지표는 라면? .. 잘 팔리면 경기악화
'라면 판매 실적을 보면 태국경제가 보인다.' 태국의 일간 네이션은 4일 자국에서 가장 잘 팔리는 라면 상표인 '마마(Mama)'의 판매 추이를 보여주는 '마마 지수'가 비공식 경제지표 역할을 하고 있다고 소개했다. 라면이 많이 팔릴수록 경제 상황은 부진하다는 것이다. 태국에서 마마 라면 판매 증가율은 2002년과 2003년에 각각 3%와 2%에 머물렀고 작년에도 5%에 그쳤다. 이 기간 태국의 국내총생산(GDP) 증가율은 연평균 5∼6%선을 ...
한국경제 | 2005.09.04 00:00 | 신동열
[비즈니스 유머] 생물학 숙제
The 15-year-old son was taking a sophomore course in biology in high school. He was bringing home stacks of books, which his mama looked at and was appalled that kids were being taught this awful stuff in school. So she jumped to the old man and prevailed ...
한국경제 | 2003.07.29 00:00
[비즈니스 유머] 골빈 목사
Teddy, aged six, said to his mother, "Mama, I got a stomachache." "That's because you've been without lunch. Your stomach is empty. You would feel better if you had something in it." That afternoon the minister called, and in the course of conversation ...
한국경제 | 2002.10.03 00:00
[해외유머] '약삭빠른 꼬마'
...d, give me a quarter." "Not today, son, not today." "Dad, if you give me a quarter, I'll tell you what the milkman said to mama this morning." "Here, son, quick.what did he say?" "He said, "Lady, how much milk do you want this morning?"". -----------...
한국경제 | 2001.07.22 17:36
[다산칼럼] 하루 목민관이 되어... .. 강만수 <디지털경제硏 이사장>
... 흘러가니 가야국의 지배계급이었던 인도·아리안계가 배 타고 이곳에 와 대가야왕국을 건설했을 것이란 추론도 있고 우리말 ''한(하나),두(둘),세(셋)''와 ''엄마,아빠''가 아리안어인 영어의''one,two,three''와 ''mama,papa''와 어원이 같다는 주장도 있지만 고증이 되지 않고 있다. 신라와 오랫동안 대립하며 낙동강 서남지방에서 문화를 꽃피운 가야왕국의 역사는 왜 실종됐을까 하는 의문 속에 해가 기울어 발길을 돌렸다. ''대야문화제''의 전야제로 ...
한국경제 | 2000.10.19 00:00
[해외유머] '母子의 대화'
David : "Mama, why hasn''t papa any hair on his head?" Mother : "Because he thinks so much, dear." David : "Why have you so much hair, then?" Mother : "Because, eh, because...go away and do your lessons." -----------------------------------------...
한국경제 | 2000.04.05 00:00
[해외유머] '소녀의 기도'
Mrs. Baker listened to her little daughter''s prayers and then said, "You prayed God to bless Mama, Papa, and Grandpa. Why didn''t you ask Him to bless Aunt Lilian also?" "Well," said the child, "I didn''t think it would be polite to ask so much all ...
한국경제 | 1998.02.13 00:00
[해외유머] '대디'
The Wilson household consisted of Papa, Mama, a daughter aged 10, a son aged 8, and a dog named Paddy, whom both kids adored. One day Paddy was run over by a truck and killed. When they came home form school Mrs. Wilson called them into the study dand ...
한국경제 | 1997.11.20 00:00
[해외유머] '섹스교육 <하>'
"Maurice," he asked the child, "do you remember the time you and I went to Paris for a weekend-without your mama?" "Oui, papa," said Maurice. "Do you remember the chambermaid who came to clean our room?" "Oui, papa." "And, Maurice, do you remember ...
한국경제 | 1997.09.25 00:00
[해외유머] '골빈 목사'
Teddy, aged six, said to his mother, "Mama, I got a stomachache." "That''s because you''ve been without lunch. Your stomach is empty. You would feel better if you had something in it." That afternoon the minister called, and in the course of conversation ...
한국경제 | 1997.08.08 00:00