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      Jerome, who is dating Benita, was disappointed with the results of his urology test.

      ... Rigi (Taemyeong), unfolded. On this day, the two headed to the obstetrics and gynecology clinic for a regular checkup for 26-week-old Rigi. In the car, Lee Da-eun said, "It was strange that my younger brother had a dream of meeting with Kang Dong-won, Cha ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.07.26 14:14 | Bella

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      21st group, group sobs before the super date

      ... viewer rating per minute soared to 4.9%. In addition, it ranked 1st in 'Non-drama TV-OTT Search Response TOP 10' in the 3rd week of July compiled by Good Data Corporation, and ranked 5th in 'Non-drama TV-OTT Topic' (as of July 23), making it a hot ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.07.26 10:47 | Yae Ji Ryu

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      Yeom Jeong-ah, controversy over unauthorized harvesting

      ... skills that even his best friend Yeom Jeong-ah was fooled. When the preview video containing his appearance was released last week, it ranked as a trending video on YouTube and recorded about 4 million views, and received enthusiastic responses such as "This ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.07.25 15:57 | Yuna

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      Bae Cheol-soo "I wish I had given notice of my departure 6 months ago"

      ... Cheol-soo chose BTS (Bulletproof Boys) as the most memorable performer. Bae Cheol-soo said, "I introduce the Billboard chart every week while doing a radio show. For the first time, Psy reached 2nd place on the single chart with 'Gangnam Style'. The counting method ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.07.25 15:56 | Yuna

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      Han Hye-jin "I don't have to face my ex-lover"

      ... scent and gave her his number. After going on a few dates, I felt confident and decided to confess, but my boyfriend asked for a week to sort things out. A week goes by and one day, while they are enjoying a date with a sweet confession, a woman who has been glaring ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.07.23 15:59 | Yuna

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      경남도, 인니에 무역사절단 파견…조선해양 중기 10개사 참여

      ... 제품전시회·비즈니스 상담회 경남도는 도내 조선해양분야 중소기업 10개사로 구성된 '2024 인도네시아 조선해양 무역사절단'을 발리 현지에 파견한다고 23일 밝혔다. 무역사절단 파견은 2019년 한·아세안 해사주간(Maritime Week) 행사에서 경남조선해양기자재협동조합과 아세안 7개국 조선해양·방산분야 협회 간 체결한 상호 협력 양해각서에 따라 추진됐다. 올해 무역사절단에 포함된 조선해양기자재 제조 중소기업들은 오는 24일과 25일 발리 현지에서 6개국 바이어 ...

      한국경제 | 2024.07.23 10:29 | YONHAP

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      노랑풍선, '최장 9일' 추석 황금연휴 미국·유럽 프로모션 전개

      최장 9일간의 황금연휴를 보낼 수 있는 추석에 해외여행을 계획 중인 여행객들을 위한 프로모션이 출시됐다. 노랑풍선은 특별하고 즐거운 연휴를 보낼 수 있도록 '해피 추캉스 WEEK' 프로모션을 진행한다고 23일 밝혔다. 올해 추석연휴는 14일부터 18일까지다. 19~20일 이틀 연차를 사용하면 최장 9일간 휴가를 즐길 수 있다. 통상 황금연휴엔 해외여행객이 늘어난다. 비교적 긴 휴가를 보낼 수 있기 때문이다. 이번 프로모션은 △모여서 ...

      한국경제 | 2024.07.23 09:21 | 신용현

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      Hong Hyun-hee and Jasson Writer have already become parents

      ... new Superman, Park Soo-hong, appeared. Park Soo-hong announced the news of his daughter, Jeon-bok, who is currently in her 28th week, saying, “Jeon-bok is my father Park Soo-hong.” Park Soo-hong said, "I didn't have time to hold on to my own ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.07.22 17:13 | Bella

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      Lee Do-hyun reveals his blood-covered status

      Actor Lee Do-hyun revealed the filming site of 'Sweet Home 3'. On the 21st, Lee Do-hyun posted three photos and a short comment titled “Lee Eun-hyuk” on his Instagram. Eunhyuk Lee is the name of the character played by Dohyun Lee...

      텐아시아 | 2024.07.22 16:05 | leesojung

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      Lee Da-eun's second childbirth date is August 10th

      On the first day of their trip to Korea, the Jerome-Benita couple from MBN's 'Idol Singles Side Story - Now We' showed endless conflict over the 'cohabitation before marriage' issue, but they exuded sweet chemistry as if they had ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.07.19 15:07 | Bella