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    • >> 전기대입학시험문제 (영어) << -- 서울대학교

      * 문항별 배점은 120점 만점을 기준으로 하였습니다. 과목당 배점이 이와 다른 경우에는 채점 후 모집 요강에 공고한 기준에 따라 환산 합니다. I. 다음을 읽고 물음에 답하라. 1. 문맥에 맞게 주어진 글자로 시작하는 영어 낱말 하나를 쓰라. (4 점) If an extraterrestrial explorer were to land on the earth, what is the first question it would ask? ...

      한국경제 | 1994.01.07 00:00

    • >>> 전기대학 본고사 시험문제 <<<...서울대학 영어 < 3 >

      IV. 다음을 읽고 주어진 낱말을 문맥에 맞게 배열하여 빈칸을 채우 라. (6점) Wisdom does not burst forth fully developed like Athena out of Zeus''s head'' it is built up, small step by small step, from most irrational beginnings. Only in adulthood can an intelligent understan...

      한국경제 | 1994.01.07 00:00

    • >> 전기대입학시험문제 (영어) << -- 고려대학교

      ... to home and school. These periods were usually for a day or so, but there was one occasion when I was deprived of liberty for a month. The school principal had reported to my father that some classmates and I had defied his orders and left school to enjoy an afternoon ...

      한국경제 | 1994.01.06 00:00

    • < 오늘의 영어유머 > 위자료

      Six months behind in his alimony payments, Jones was called into court to explain. "What''s seem to be the trouble?" asked the judge. "Well, Your Honor," said Jones, "my second wife is not as good an earner as I expected her to be." ============...

      한국경제 | 1993.10.11 00:00

    • < 오늘의 영어유머 > 보통사람들

      "Gentlemen," said the chairman of the board of a large corporation. "I have before me a report of the greatest signifacance. Some months ago was we appropriated $200,000 for a nationwide survey to find out: What makes America tick? The answer is o...

      한국경제 | 1993.10.06 00:00

    • [해외신서] 톰피터스 저 '해방경영'..변화적응 기업조직문제

      ... "10억분의 1초를 다투는 90년대를 위해 필요한 해체"란 부제를 달아 내놓은 책이다. 8백여 페이지의 방대한 분량의 전문경영서이면서도 미국에서 제일 영향력이있는 독서클럽인 "북 오브 더 먼스클럽"(Book of the month Club)의 주선택도서가 되고 또 뉴욕타임스 베스트셀러 리스트에도 올라있다. 꼭 10년전 피터즈는 그를 세계적인 저술가로 만든 "우수성을 찾아서"란 책에서 당시 새로운 경제세력으로 등장한 일본과 유럽의 위세에 자신을 잃고 혼란에 ...

      한국경제 | 1993.04.12 00:00

    • < 오늘의 영어유머 > `도 박 사'

      ... said "What kind of thing do you bet on ?" "Practically anything, sir," said the corporal. "If you''d like, I''ll bet you my next month''s pay that you''ve got a birthmark under your right arm." The C.O. stripped to the waist, proved conclusively he had no birth- ...

      한국경제 | 1992.11.20 00:00

    • < 오늘의 영어유머 > 타인의 아내

      ... women for the first time. "What happened?" he asked the club owner. "We''ve decided to let members bring their wives in once a month," was the reply. "I''m not married. Could I bring my girl friend?" "I think it might be all right," the owner said, "provided she''s ...

      한국경제 | 1992.11.18 00:00

    • >>> 부도 / 당좌 거래 정지 (17일) <<<

      ... than 300 Chinese workers through the Chinese government from September to December last year. The wages for a Chinese worker in Saipan range from $400 to $500 a month, more than 10 to 15 times as much as the amount he is paid in his home country.

      한국경제 | 1990.01.17 00:00